Feeling Powerful

Feeling Powerful
Watercolor Fashion Moment

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Pity Pot

The Pity Pot

My grandmother would never tolerate it when I was whining about this or that. She wasn’t haven’t any of it. She would say get off your Pity Pot!


It got me every time. Harsh, Grandma. Harsh. There was to be no feeling sorry for yourself around her. And , that was a good thing. It shook me out of my stupor and got me moving.
Well, the poor me tendency is still there as if I got dealt a bad hand. When in truth, most situations are of my own making. Why don’t I have a book published? Why can’t I stay home and write an advice column? Why is everything we own breaking and costing us a fortune? Why can’t our bank account be abundant and ever flowing?

This is the litany of Whoa Is Me that runs through my head again and again.
I can change this tune; I really can. It is all up to me. I have to get off my damn Pity Pot and do something! I’ve always said, “If you do nothing, nothing happens. If you do something, something happens.” So, expect nothing if you do nothing. Expect something if you do something, be it good or bad. The point? I have to at least try.

It’s much like Wayne Gretsky’s quote that goes something like this: It’s 100% certain you will miss the shots you don’t take.  Get it? Hockey reference. Take a shot. You have a chance of it going in. If you don’t at least take the freaking shot, it will NEVER EVER go in!  So, for God’s Sakes, take the damn shot, Susan!

Geesh. How’s that for a message to me?

 Take the shot.
Take the shot.
Take the shot.

Try. Try. Try.

Try what, though? Ahhh. That’s the hard part, eh?

Until next time, for ideas to get off The Pity Pot!

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