Feeling Powerful

Feeling Powerful
Watercolor Fashion Moment

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Jesus Has Risen, but what of Mary Magdalene?


Mary then knew exactly who stood before him glowing in bright angelic light. The one word of intimacy of one’s name left no doubt this was Mary Magadelene’s Jesus.

“Do not cling to me.”

It is in these words, that puts their physical relationship to rest, a death like his own, but a resurrection of a new relationship put in an almost incomprehensible realm. Oh, how this must be what the “Agony and the Ecstasy” must feel like. To want, to ache and to long for the love of her life, but to never truly “have” him is the essence of Mary Magadelene's cross that she bears. As in Jesus Christ Superstar’s lyrics, “I don’t know how to love him…” is the complexity of Mary’s love and devotion to Jesus, the Man and Jesus, The Christ. So mysterious is she, yet we do know she is strong, brave and stalwart in her devotion and commitment to their relationship, whatever exactly it was. She stayed until his last breath; she was the first to go to his tomb; she was the first to see the resurrected Jesus appear before her. She believed. She followed undauntingly.

I would be hurt by Jesus’ words, “Do not cling to me.” It sounds like a rejection and a lack of reciprocation of feelings, but it had to be. Throughout his relationship as a man on earth with Mary Magdalene, it had to be an inner struggle with him the entire time knowing, knowing the moment would come when they could not be in body together, yet despite that knowledge, he kept her close. He couldn’t deny himself her company and would not deny himself her company while he remained a man. She sat next to him at The Last Supper. I’d say that is a high place of honor, indeed. Being female with our innate nurturing qualities, she may have been a steady source of comfort to him with both knowing unfailing what would come.

I want to know, and I feel terribly guilty and as if I'm a bad Catholic, but I can't help but wonder, Did Jesus and Mary have sex? Was it a sexual relationship? Did he give in to his manly desires? Was Mary Magadalene his true love and soulmate, or was he in control of his earthly desires knowing he was God’s son? I don’t know. No one apparently does. Mary’s tale was written by the memory by men a good 60-65 years after Jesus’ death…no one will know for sure except for Mary and Jesus. I think the single word uttered when Jesus appeared to Mary when she was confused and didn’t recognize him tells us a great deal.

“Mary!” (Mary! Look. it’s me…me, your Jesus…but I have changed to the Holy Spirit and you can have me no more.)

Information learned on the Smithsonian website www.smithsonianmag.com/history.../magdalene.html -
Fascinating stuff!