Feeling Powerful

Feeling Powerful
Watercolor Fashion Moment

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Freedom Comes With a Price…Our Respectability Racing to The White House

We've had messy, snarky and mud slinging campaigns before but this is different.
This is unfiltered off the charts nasty verbal spewing that hurts Americans and this tactic is winning.

I want to get mad, scream and yell, “Have you all gone mad? Why are you listening to the ravings of a crazy bully that says whatever pops into his head?”

Well, this is America. We have Freedom of Speech, which unfortunately means freedom to insult, bully and say whatever the hell you want to say, unless you say something that Donald Trump deems unfair or unbecoming to him.  He will boycott you or have you thrown out.  Freedom of Speech is a one way right in The Donald’s world.  But people seem okay with that.
Why is he running? Why are people listening? This is America where dreams are made of... anyone can grow up and dream that one day, he or she can become President of the United States of America. This is a good thing.  We don't have to have a blood line to rule the land.  This is one of he main tenants of America's foundation, to have an elected leadership to get away from a  tyrannical monarchy.
It comes with a price.  In America anyone, as long as they are a born  U.S. Citizen, can run for President.  You better cough up that birth certificate, though.  We have former body builders, action heroes and actors as political leaders and governmental officials because they can. Now, we have a Business Mogul, most famously known for his Trump Towers on the Vegas Strip running and leading in the polls for President of the United States.  Good God. This is real and it is frightening. 
When will the people of the United States wake up and realize that Donald Trump is an entertaining,  calculating, wealthy marketing genius filming himself with all the right props (lately it’s The Holy Bible to appeal to the Evangelicals) that makes great T.V., but would make a God Awful President.  He would not make for a leader of our country with having to follow protocol and due process working with the Congress and the Senate.  That would probably frustrate the hell out of him.   Whoo Boy, if they didn’t like Obama when he invoked his Executive Powers, wait until Donald Trump is in the White House.  He is going to have to be reminded that he isn’t a King, and it isn’t an episode of The Apprentice where he can fire anyone, well, he can, but he can’t fire other countries’ leaders if they seem unfair to him or speak to him in a manner that he didn’t like.  He is used to running his business empire not an entire country with our system of government. 
Iwo Jima and 9/11 - Two powerful images to remind ourselves that this is no reality show.

I don’t think the American people who are wooed by his “differentness” really grasp the gravity of what it means to have him running one of the most powerful countries in the world. Funny, Britain and Ireland sure do.  They were voting to have him banned from their countries as they understand very well how inappropriate and vile his words and actions mean in the world theater.  They understand and do not like it at all.  Do Americans get that to be President, you have to be dignified, diplomatic, moral, unbiased, non-racist, and gracious?  You will be Commander In Chief in charge of all our military and make tough decisions that affect the lives of our soldiers and their families and face the repercussions that will affect all Americans.  It will require him to THINK before he speaks and acts.  There will be no back pedaling. "I love women.  I love Muslims. etc.."
I understand how Americans crave something different and how they are entranced and entertained by Trump’s antics.  He almost gives them permission to be little bullies on the ball field, to embrace their inner racism and fears of things and cultures they do not fully understand.  He allows that freedom, the freedom to be mean.  He unleashes the beast, the very worst in Americans.  I hate to even say this, but it reminds me of the days when Germans were enraptured by Hitler’s charismatic speeches and we all know how that turned out.

The current frontrunner is a kitschy outlandish brand and stations like CNN are promoting IT tirelessly. CNN, stop it.  Please, just stop.  I haven’t seen one John Kaisch rally on CNN and the New York Times just endorsed John Kaisch.  Will we see him now?  Most people barely know his name.  If candidates, such as John Kaisch, would be followed around as much as Trump, he might actually have a shot at the presidency.  But he isn’t saying anything outrageous to get TV air time.  He isn’t boycotting any event because someone will not treat him fairly.  He isn’t tweeting insults or comments to gain extra attention. Oh my God.  He is acting normal, presidential even.  Snooze. Boring…. Sorry, Americans. John Kaisch isn’t newsworthy next to the other guy.  I hate even saying his name, because then I feel, I am playing into his hands and am therefore, promoting him, too! 
Our American values have bit us in the butt; our land of the free and home of the brave has allowed for a grotesque circus for the highest seat in the land.  Hey, America. This isn’t the show “Naked and Afraid,” though that is exactly how this election is making me feel.

Well, I can only hope that in the end, somehow someway, the system will work and the best candidate will win.  (If not, we may need to re-think this who gets to run for president thing.) 
God Bless America.

(Can I say that? Is that politically correct to say these days? Hey, I have Freedom of Speech. So,… yes. I can.)