Feeling Powerful

Feeling Powerful
Watercolor Fashion Moment

Friday, March 25, 2011

Desperately Seeking Solace in Spirits

Spirits, where are you? (Ghost Adventurers)
Is it any wonder that my nerves are jangled? Earthquakes, Tsnami’s, Massive Death and Destruction, War in Libya, Air Raids, Bombing…the death of Liz Taylor, the heart attack of a friend, and a student flying home to be with his dying mother.

Geez, it’s surprising I haven’t turned to alcohol or something worse, but this is too much! I watch Ghost Adventurers, Celebrity Ghost Stories, Psychic Kids and Ghost Whisperer like a dry sponge that wants to soak in story after story of the after life. I need to hear, to see, to believe that there is something more than this. There has to be. I’m engrossed in Zac provoking the haunted spirits that linger in Remington’s Gun Factory, wanting to hear the disembodied voices. “Did you hear that?” Foot steps. A laugh. A faint cry. I heard it. I crave the bonified proof that spirits exist, that we don’t vanish into nothingness.

Then there is the little boy’s book, titled, “Heaven is Real.” He has a burst appendix when he is four years old and is cradled in Jesus’ lap and sees his grandfather with large Angel Wings. He says, and I’ve heard this from my reading of psychic medium books, that no one is old. They are 20 or 30 years of age at most. He said heaven is colorful and filled with a lot of people. Sadly, he was asked if he can still see it clearly as many years have gone by and he does acknowledge that his memory of it is fading. If only we can see what he saw, but we will. One day we will. But why is that book a best seller right now?
See paragraph one. The world has gone crazy; the earth must be tilted as it is belching and churning and tossing us humans about like a baby tossing a handful of rocks and letting them fly. Our human brains must be sloshing about as Revolutions are erupting across the most volatile areas of the world, the Middle East, and we Americans must always stick our nose in it to stir high emotions and more hatred. Bombs, protests, insurgents,…Even Israel and Palestine are up to their old anxiety ridden fatal tricks with bombing of innocents on a bus. Is the moon’s gravitational pull on the liquid in our brains extra strong causing people to act in crazy ways?

So, yeah. I want to read that little kid’s book….from the mouth of babes lay the God’s honest truth. I think we are all thirsting to know that we’ll be all right on the other side and need a little more reassurance than going to church on Sunday’s and listening to how Jesus was crucified for us so that we can enjoy eternity. That is an old story, have heard it many times before, so much so that it just doesn’t seem like something I can actually relate to…God forgive me, but I guess I’m as bad as the doubting Thomas…Maybe Jesus needs to come again and give us humans a good talking to, and he needs to fix the earth because it is moving and shaking a bit more than we can handle.

Didn’t mean to get religious, just addressing our vulnerable time in history. This really isn’t unique. World War II must have seemed like the world was going crazy. There have been natural disasters before, so it’s not anything new, but it is new to me. Every era has their war, every era has their hardship, and every era gets through it. We will and have to, but it doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy my Ghost Adventure shows; actually, it might be on right now. So, I’m going to sign off and see if I can catch Zac taunt a spirit or two!! Go Zac! You are the man!
