Feeling Powerful

Feeling Powerful
Watercolor Fashion Moment

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


How do we fight the greyness of the world in November?  The skies are filled with plum and smoky skies, the trees are cold, rough and wet, and the world turns out its light too quickly.  Like the forest animals that know it is time to slumber in this sleepy time of year, our bodies grow heavy and want to nestle under the blankets and stay there until the warm sun glows again.  How do we fight the greys, or should I say the blues?

Why fight it?

Find the light.  Make the light.  When the sun does shine, step outside and soak it in.  When those slate colored clouds clear and the day is crisp, the sun is golden and thick.  Make a fire in the fireplace and enjoy the spark and flame.  Bake homemade bread.  Breathe in the warm toasty yeasty aroma filling the house as it wraps around your soul.  Paint a picture filled with colors that tease and awaken your deadened senses.  Put brush to paper and let the dance begin.

Sleep and dream of warmer days to come and rapture in summer memories of leaping carelessly into the river on a summer vacation in the Adirondacks, pure summer bliss.

Most of all, we need to embrace the change of seasons; take a rest that the November skies invite.  Curl up and slow down.  Read, write and reflect.  Slate, plum, mauve, taupe, sage.... colors that soothe,calm and caress.