Feeling Powerful

Feeling Powerful
Watercolor Fashion Moment

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Cool Thing! Joined HitRECord today.


I stumbled on this interesting artist collabortion production company through Twitter.  Yeah.  Surprise. Surprise. I tweet.  Never thought it would happen, but I'm glad I did.  It is amazing how connected to more of the world you are through Twitter.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt must have been following someone that I follow, so I decided to follow him.  I think he is an amazing actor, but didn't have a clue what else this guy did/does!  Director, actor...hosting the Sundance Film Festival this year...creative genius, really.

Anyway, I discovered his production company HitRECord which really is a medium for artists to create, and then re-create and re-create some more.  Submissions of writing, images, music, film become "records" for which other artists can tap into and RE-mix it with something else.  Not all too sure how the Re-mixing works but I am going to start myself with some submissions of Records...10minute writing challenge and some images that I'll draw or paint that will no doubt leave the question..."What's the story here?"

That's what I've always loved about art...the provacativeness that teases, and taunts making you wonder...What is that person thinking in the image..what was the artist thinking...the beauty is the answer is anything and everything. 

This should be interesting...so here I go!

Check out the link above.  (If you figure out the Re-mixing part, please let me know!)

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Hey Congress, We The People...Remember Us???

Oh, my God.  Did we elect idiots or what?  This really is our fault.  We put these people in congress and look what they've done for us?  NOTHING!  Let's just wait until the last possible minute on New Year's Eve, but, you know what, I need to get a little beauty sleep, so why don't we meet back at, say, 11:00 am.  Okay? 
11:00am???? WHAT???  Hey, Congress...Yo, I really don't want to see less in my already meager paycheck and guess what, my husband's health insurance is changing and we now will have to pay a big deductible, which means I will put off going to the doctor now, because it'll cost me big bucks. 
In otherwords, OUCH! 
But, heck, you have a cushy job, nice salary, probably a most excellent health insurance plan, perhaps a company car to boot...but don't worry about us, the PEOPLE who elected you.  Nah, take your time, stick by that party line and relax, take it easy...anything to make Obama look bad would work.
Oh, this angers me that people can work like this, or not work like this. As Obama said, in any business this would not happen; people like this would get fired because there are plenty of people standing in line that could easily do their jobs. 
Why can't we let these people go; you're fired!
It's really truly unconsicionable what they are doing.  To not come together and do what is right and just, and is so simple, is well, disgusting and appalling.
Get a good night's sleep, men.  Rest up.  Enjoy your New Year's Eve brunch and dawdle in to work at 11:00am, while The American People, the people you work for sweat it out until an agreement is made.