Feeling Powerful

Feeling Powerful
Watercolor Fashion Moment

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Windows To The Soul

This was the result of my Friday Night... I had sketched the face out of nowhere another evening, just started to let my pencil go and see where it took me. It became a face.  I sketched and sketched, added a little colored pencil and out she came.   Art is a funny thing.  You have a blank page and then it becomes "something" ...out of nothing.  Who is she? Why did this face come out? Why the serious expression? Why the gaze? Why is her hair pulled back? I really can't say... but here it is.

Then Friday night, I was alone, restless...and was drawn to my acrylics.  It usually is a pretty big rig-a-ma-roll to set up "shop" to paint, thus I haven't applied paint to much lately.  But, I felt like using my easel and picking up a brush.  Usually, I'm terrified to add paint to a sketch because I could lose everything I drew once paint is added.  It is terrifying.  But for some reason, maybe because I didn't love love love the sketch, I figured I'd just add paint and whatever happens, happens.  What the heck.  I squirted out my blops of colors on my palette and started dabbing. I felt like a sculptor molding and molding until she became Big Eyes (This is what I call her, for obvious reasons.)   I know I could have done better...eyes too big, nose too long, forehead to short, and neglected under her chin....but you know what? I wasn't going for perfection....well, I tried to, but I knew it just wasn't in me. I was going for what looked pleasing to me.  I really focused in on her eyes.  I really wanted sparkling interesting green eyes.  Green eyes are like jewels, and I think are so beautiful.  I wanted her to have full lips, not smiling, but not sad either...thoughtful, as if she is about to say something.  I always love a story...the mystery of what is the story? What is she trying to say?  Why are there wisps of hair pulled away from her tight pony tail? What is she thinking?

I like color.  The background - I wanted to be dark and dreamy, but with color.  Color, I guess is my signature.  Color makes me happy.  Creating something out of nothing makes me happy.  It is like I birthed an art baby.  All of my art are like children to me.  I created them and they make me feel good when I look at them.  A little tinge of pride runs through me.

Well, what do you think Big Eyes is telling you? 

It is telling me that I have a lot on my mind and if you look deep enough in the eyes, the thoughts are all there.....