Feeling Powerful

Feeling Powerful
Watercolor Fashion Moment

Saturday, October 24, 2015

I Just Can't Ignore This...Bullying in Politics

"(CNN)Determined and aggressive questioning by Benghazi Select Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, a highly experienced former South Carolina prosecutor..."

"... the committee came armed to the teeth with the kind of material prosecutors love to use in forceful cross-examinations of hostile witnesses."

Why did the US Government allow ELEVEN HOURS of Bullying? (Yes. Let's call it what it was. Bullying.)  It truly was despicable.  Read the two quotes above again by Paul Callan in his CNN article, "GOP Grilling of Hillary Clinton Misfired."  I really do not like to get into the foray of politics, but I found this so disgusting, that I had to post something. 

See something. Say something.  I could not be a bystander and not comment on the ridiculousness of an abuse of power.  Why was this allowed??? Why?

I have not been a huge fan of Hillary Clinton of late.  I loved her in early days and thought, that she is such a smart, strong lady. 
But lately, I wondered why the heck would she even go for being President.  She had to know that she would be attacked in every which way.  She almost seemed a bit arrogant and above the fray, but you know what?  She has reason to feel that way. 

She endured the Political Nonsense. She remained composed.  She answered and answered until the "Eleventh Hour."  Wow.  I, now, have new respect for her.  What strength she possesses. 

What if Donald Trump had to go through that?  "He was mean.  He was unfair.  The Chairperson is a loser.  I mean, look at that face.  He is bleeding from his eyes or from wherever...I'm boycotting Congress."  He commented on how he was remarkably able to stand in a debate for 4 hours.  He would not survive 11 hours of grilling. No way.  I hate to even post his picture here, but I have to.

Hillary, I am so sorry you were bullied.  You did prove to America that you are one intelligent well-spoken woman who can stand up to ridiculous political power plays.  Bravo!

I do believe this is one of those events, Benghazi, one of many- that is truly tragic where tears have been spilled, sleep has been lost and lessons have been learned.  The US is spread too thin in too many dangerous "waters."  Move forward and acknowledge mistakes made. Move forward and onward.

You did it, Hillary.  Props to you!