Feeling Powerful

Feeling Powerful
Watercolor Fashion Moment

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Winter Blues and Art

I am feeling a little low these daysperhaps due to the fact that i'm highly sensitive to world events, govermental drag, financial endless pinch, wackiness to the enth degree at work, guns guns guns....ugh...and the cold gray days of winter.
Plus, there is always that pervasive feeling that I should be doing something else with my life.  Like as if I took a wrong turn and now I am good and lost.  Even worse, I feel like I stumbled into a dark pit and can't get out.  It sucks and does not feel good at all.
I sketched a picture called  "Winter Blues" as perhaps that is all it is...but deep down, I know it's more.  I am on a soul search quest to discover my true life's purpose.
When I figure it out, I'll let you know.