Feeling Powerful

Feeling Powerful
Watercolor Fashion Moment

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween...Do You Believe In Ghosts?

To be honest, I want to believe in ghosts and I don't.  I used to live for the show Ghost Hunters, Pychic Kids, and crazy Zak Begans from Ghost Adventures. Why do I want to believe? Well, it's kind of a confession. I want proof that there is something more than this life. That we have a spirit, a soul that goes on when our physical body gives out.  But here is the disturbing kicker... I don't like these kind of spirits or ghosts because these spirits are trapped, not moved on and some are even evil dark spirits.  I don't like to think that there are dark evil entities out there and I don't like to think of spirits that are trapped or are non-intelligent hauntings...meaning, it's like a rerun of an event, or action over and over again. What is that?
It is Halloween where I read the great divide between the living and the dead is lessened.  The veil that separates the spirits of the deceased is lifted a little bit so that we can reach out to our loved ones.  So, if you there is a time to try to communicate with our loved ones and go dancing in a cemetery, now would be a good time.
Like UFO's, spirits are sure hard to find and validate with video or photography. Why is that? 
Do you believe in ghosts? I'll let you know if I get in touch with anyone tonight!

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