My husband looked at this painting and immediately asked, "What is in the letter? She doesn't look happy." He said, "It must be from a guy and it's not good news." I told him the beauty of this painting is it means whatever the viewer wants it to mean. Is it good news? Is it bad news? Is it worrisome news? Is it news that requires a decision? I love art that makes you wonder and play with your imagination, and of course, I love this period. She is kind of like a "Lizzie Bennett, or a Jane Austen....or even a Cassandra Austen." But in my world, she is Phinny, Phineas Bloom and her letter is The Story, one I shall write and see where it takes me. Again, it's a bit out of perspective, to which I fully acknowledge, and am in agreement that I am in desperate need of lessons. But you know what? I love this painting because it is beautiful to me. Beautiful in color, lighting, subject matter....and I love her night gown, or rather, night rail, why they called it that, I'll have to check. Anyway, here it is in full "Bloom." Enjoy!
Whatever shall I paint next??? Hmmmmmm... Meanwhile reading a wonderful novel by Eloisa James, "When Beauty Tamed The Beast." Incredibly written, and the verbage of the main character is so distinctly biting; I am always amazed that so many personalities can be stored in one head, the mind of an author! Elizabeth Boyle's "Mad About The Duke" was a quick read, too...loved it!