Have you ever noticed that colleagues have forgotten that they are no longer in high school and forget what it means to comport themselves with professionalism, consideration of others, and plain out respect and maturity? I miss the greatest generation where good manners and true caring for one another prevailed. The greatest genreation refers to our seniors that lived through the Depression and World War II, our now elderly generation that have friends for life. Today friends come and go because it is such a transient generation; no one stays for 31 years at a job any more, therefore, no one truly commits or invests in people. With that comes no trust and an attitude of "everything all out for me."
This I've noticed is the modis operandis of the supposed "Y" generation: "Me! Me! Me! Look at me! Notice me! Look what I did! Aren't I great?" The instant social media intensity carries through with instant steam rolling of colleagues while being completely mindless of another's feelings. Get all you can and do it as fast as you can; do it now! What happened to doing things thoughtfully, carefully, wisely and inform all parties involved? What is worse is the whispering, the closing of doors, the rubbing ones good fortune in another's face. It's absolutely repulsive, disgraceful.
Today, I felt like I was back in high school with that horrible squirmy feeling of being on the outside, "not in the know" in my own department (a department of three people for Christ's sake.) I felt like there were clicks going on, CLICKS?! and let me tell you, I was horrified to realize, duh, I'm at my place of employment.
Jesus. I felt like I was in high school musical with a ridiculous cast of characters playing their parts to a grotesque tee. I felt like I was in a fun house with the mirrors that distort your image; everyone seemed like the funhouse mirror image. Ugly. The main course of deportment at this place of business is CYA because there is so much paranoia and cut throat behavior all in efforts to protect your job security. There is so much whispering, back stabbing and gossiping that it's as if a horrible virus permeates the air and you get sucked into the paranoid madness.
Well, lesson learned. I prefer to rise above and comport myself with dignity and true caring of others. My father has friends for life and he has lived through difficult times and suffering, yet he gives...gives of himself even when he has so little to give. So, amidst the circus like atmosphere, I have to set all of that aside and do my job with my chin held up high and I plan on treating my good friend and co-worker to lunch!