My friend urged me to our art gallery to meet him, that I would probably like his work. I was so glad I did. Canvas after canvas I was awed by the beauty and reality of his talent. His work was amazing. I love color as you can probably tell with my art work and this blog. I love to play with color, but it is tricky to do and to do it well enough to make it work and compliment the picture. I remember telling him, "Look how you used green on this man's face and it works!"
The hawk up above was made for my father as a symbol of strength, pride, and as a stoic survivor. In the theory of survival of the fittest, the hawk would surely be considered fittest and would reign on top. With this bit of painting, I played ever so meekly with watercolor and acrylic combined. I wasn't that brave but I did it. The background is a wash of watercolor, along with a smattering of the stump. Next time I might play more with pastel, watercolor and acrylic. This talented young man gave me the impetus to create, to experiment, to take my work a step further. I created the hawk for my father, but I think I must have also created it for this artist, too. I didn't know the lyrics from the Red Hot Chili Peppers would be at his wake (Funny, I always loved this song but never really listened to the words, nor the name of the song "Scar Tissue" - Interesting, because emotional pain may lessen, but it always leaves a scar. This song is about angst, loneliness, isolation...)...how fitting that I chose a bird on a lonely perch...sometimes the strongest is the loneliest....sdh...