Capturing the Seemingly Simple moments of life and the big events that clobber us over the heads We let it out here through Writing, Art, Music & Humor... Susan
Feeling Powerful

Watercolor Fashion Moment
Sunday, March 28, 2010
If You Are Hit In The Head by The Gift Basket at Church, is it good luck?
This isn't by any means a "holy roller" blog, but I had a moment in church today, Psalm Sunday...hmmm, does that mean anything?
Taking my father's advice, I went to church a little early so I could pray for guidance..."Help me, Jesus. Help me, Jesus. Oh, please help me, Jesus. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, God, Mom, Spirit Guides, anybody...I need some guidance with my life." Well, Father Lolake said, if you need help, don't be afraid to say, "Help Me, Jesus." So, I did. I actually said it outloud so make sure Jesus heard me. I'm pretty sure Jesus could hear telepathically, but I wasn't taking any chances today.
Later in the mass...
The usher comes down the aisle pew after pew, dipping his pole with a basket on the end into each pew, pushing it down, and then up and over to the next pew, again and again in a smooth fluid rhythm- until he gets to my row/pew. I'm in the last row and toss in my donation, he forgets to push the basket down the pew; the lady next to me had an envelope ready to toss in. The older usher with glasses like triple paned windows clonks me in the head as I turned to signal to him about the lady's envelope. Ow. "Good thing it's only a basket," I say not to make him feel bad. But it was a rather hard basket.
How many times has this happened? Never, perhaps? Why did I get clonked today? Is this Jesus helping me? Is it some sort of good luck like stepping in dog doo? Can't say I ever experienced a surge of luck after stepping in dog ....
Maybe it is a's going to be an interesting holy week. I think the week is rather symbolic for me...I could use a rebirth of sorts and now is the time. I have a lump on my head as a reminder. Jesus, it hurts. (Excuse me, Jesus...but I think even Jesus has a little sense of humor.)
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