I really can't wrap my brain around that in 24 days, President Obama is no longer President and we inaugurate a crazy unstable demagogue. I can't even print his name.
He never should have made it this far.....at all.
I am so completely stressed, nervous, horrified, terrified. disgusted and ysad. This person acts and reacts vehemently, violently, immaturely, without any sense of decorum or dignity. A president-elect who declares a nuclear arms race via Twitter is completely horrifying. I'm terrified.
I have a strong feeling that I am not alone.
I can't give this guy a chance because of all of his words spoken, his tweets t, and this is all BEFORE he is even THE PRESIDENT. How can I give him a chance when he failed so many times in his bullying words during the campaign, his revealing and disgusting display via audio and visual tape of him being a newlywed yet readying himself to kiss a Soap Star and bragging about grabbing women by the genitals because he is a celebrity. How can I give him a chance? Why?
I want the minute he is inaugurated for him to be impeached for every constitutional violation, and every hostile act he incites - enemies, the dismantling of the UN, NATO, NAFTA, nuclear war - game over.
That's what I think should happen.
Capturing the Seemingly Simple moments of life and the big events that clobber us over the heads We let it out here through Writing, Art, Music & Humor... Susan
Feeling Powerful

Watercolor Fashion Moment
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
The Weight of The New World - Is This America? Really?
Boy my shoulders ache. No wonder. I have the weight of the world on my shoulders, a worry of the world falling to pieces in front of my very eyes! I never thought in a million years that the country that I live in, that I live in could be like other distant countries with tyrannical leaders. How arrogant of me to think that, that kind of evil power hungry nonsensical madness could happen here in America.
Why not here? We have humans inhabiting here like anywhere else on this globe. Time and time again, there have been insane leaders at the helm throughout history and you often wonder how could the people of that country let that happen? How could such an individual only looking for power and ego stroking could end up in the position of leader of an entire country?
I remember thinking, what did the German people see in Adolf Hitler? How was that screaming scary man with a stubby little mustache charismatic? That's what they said, that he was charismatic in the way he spoke. He spoke. The people listened.
With our current President-Elect, it astonishes me, puzzles me that people listen to him speak. He speaks so simply, with a small arsenal of vocabulary, repeating awful things, outrageous things, and disparaging so many individuals; the people listened. Congress and the Senate may have whimpered a little and did a little tap on the wrist, saying that was not appropriate or spoken in a way that wasn't appropriate. But no outright outrage, no real damning condemnation and so, the campaign moved on. This is not allowed and will not be tolerated. Nope. The show went on and continued and continued, with more and more outrageous stunts including parading Bill Clinton's accusers to the Presidential Debate to seal the deal in ultimate lack of decorum and humiliation of another. Gloves were off and the people watched with blood lust.
And here we are in America, now with a President-Elect that is terrified of the Press, most likely because he can't answer questions with knowledge and can't handle one iota of criticism. He knows the Press would skewer him on every level, conflicts of interest, crazy outrageous inappropriate Cabinet picks, Pay for Play Cabinet picks (you donated to my campaign; you get a job), Russia, Tax Returns, Brand Trump This, Brand Trump That, White Supremacy, Asking for lists of the EPA employees who support Climate Change, Asking the State Department for all Gender Equality agencies....what's with asking for lists of names? This feels really creepy. Are we in a censorship, rounding up dissidents-like dictatorship? It feels like our freedom is being squashed and the walls are closing in.
What did Trump Supporters think Donald Trump could do for them?
He is a bully. He is crazy. He only cares about himself and his family. He doesn't even care about Melania....clearly, freshly married, when you are the most in love with your new spouse, you wouldn't want to even look at someone else, let only kiss them or whatever.... He only cares about his needs, his wants, his name..... Look at his cabinet picks. They all will benefit from Donald Trump and fatten their pockets with the money train that Donald Trump will certainly reap.
We have lost Public Service. We have lost peace. We have lost manners, politeness, kindness - human decency.
We have become a tyrannical state. America has fallen.
My shoulders hurt from the worry. I worry for the world as history repeats itself with tyrannical dictators but the rules have changed, the technology has changed and the weapons have changed.
God Bless America. May good prevail over evil.
Because, really, my shoulders can't hold up this heavy weight much longer.
Why not here? We have humans inhabiting here like anywhere else on this globe. Time and time again, there have been insane leaders at the helm throughout history and you often wonder how could the people of that country let that happen? How could such an individual only looking for power and ego stroking could end up in the position of leader of an entire country?
I remember thinking, what did the German people see in Adolf Hitler? How was that screaming scary man with a stubby little mustache charismatic? That's what they said, that he was charismatic in the way he spoke. He spoke. The people listened.
With our current President-Elect, it astonishes me, puzzles me that people listen to him speak. He speaks so simply, with a small arsenal of vocabulary, repeating awful things, outrageous things, and disparaging so many individuals; the people listened. Congress and the Senate may have whimpered a little and did a little tap on the wrist, saying that was not appropriate or spoken in a way that wasn't appropriate. But no outright outrage, no real damning condemnation and so, the campaign moved on. This is not allowed and will not be tolerated. Nope. The show went on and continued and continued, with more and more outrageous stunts including parading Bill Clinton's accusers to the Presidential Debate to seal the deal in ultimate lack of decorum and humiliation of another. Gloves were off and the people watched with blood lust.
And here we are in America, now with a President-Elect that is terrified of the Press, most likely because he can't answer questions with knowledge and can't handle one iota of criticism. He knows the Press would skewer him on every level, conflicts of interest, crazy outrageous inappropriate Cabinet picks, Pay for Play Cabinet picks (you donated to my campaign; you get a job), Russia, Tax Returns, Brand Trump This, Brand Trump That, White Supremacy, Asking for lists of the EPA employees who support Climate Change, Asking the State Department for all Gender Equality agencies....what's with asking for lists of names? This feels really creepy. Are we in a censorship, rounding up dissidents-like dictatorship? It feels like our freedom is being squashed and the walls are closing in.
What did Trump Supporters think Donald Trump could do for them?
He is a bully. He is crazy. He only cares about himself and his family. He doesn't even care about Melania....clearly, freshly married, when you are the most in love with your new spouse, you wouldn't want to even look at someone else, let only kiss them or whatever.... He only cares about his needs, his wants, his name..... Look at his cabinet picks. They all will benefit from Donald Trump and fatten their pockets with the money train that Donald Trump will certainly reap.
We have lost Public Service. We have lost peace. We have lost manners, politeness, kindness - human decency.
We have become a tyrannical state. America has fallen.
My shoulders hurt from the worry. I worry for the world as history repeats itself with tyrannical dictators but the rules have changed, the technology has changed and the weapons have changed.
God Bless America. May good prevail over evil.
Because, really, my shoulders can't hold up this heavy weight much longer.
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Loss. Pain. Empathy. Emotions on High Alert. October 6, 2016 snapshot of feelings
Wow. It has been rough waters. I never knew it would hurt this bad sending my boys off to the Coast Guard - Boot Camp. It's a punch in the gut kind of hurt. Like someone took a pair of scissors, no more like an axe and chopped that cord of childhood and yanked our children from us. As if they are pulled far far away like lost at sea drifting farther and farther away. Appropriate metaphor.
Firstly, cut off communication with the military. I don't know how they are, really are. I can't call, text. I can write, but at first there was nothing for the first 3 weeks. The communication is delayed. A week old by the time we get the message. My two sons went three weeks a part and every single day I worry how they are. There are blog posts by a company member of each unit that gives a pretty clear picture of the hell, physical and mental abusive hell they are going through. They aren't loud enough, they aren't fast enough, they aren't neat enough, they are the laughing stocks of the camp...they are forced to do things for long periods of time until their arms shake, until their ass hurts, until they sweat all the sweat out of their bodies.
As a mom, we yearn to soothe their hurts, their sorrows...can't and we have to swallow back that knee jerk instinct to make things better, make them feel better. Can't. Cord cut. Snap!
Firstly, cut off communication with the military. I don't know how they are, really are. I can't call, text. I can write, but at first there was nothing for the first 3 weeks. The communication is delayed. A week old by the time we get the message. My two sons went three weeks a part and every single day I worry how they are. There are blog posts by a company member of each unit that gives a pretty clear picture of the hell, physical and mental abusive hell they are going through. They aren't loud enough, they aren't fast enough, they aren't neat enough, they are the laughing stocks of the camp...they are forced to do things for long periods of time until their arms shake, until their ass hurts, until they sweat all the sweat out of their bodies.
As a mom, we yearn to soothe their hurts, their sorrows...can't and we have to swallow back that knee jerk instinct to make things better, make them feel better. Can't. Cord cut. Snap!
Coast Guard Boot Camp Mom - Deep Darkness to Glorious Light! Part 1
The shock and awe happened for me, Mom, in the Family Briefing Room in Fort Hamilton on Swearing In Day. There was an endless loop of images from Boot Camp in every military division, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines showing the crawling on the ground with weapon in hand through the dirt, jabbing a bag with butt of a rifle, a drill sargeant walking up and down the barracks calling out orders, all expected stuff UNTIL the Coast Guard video came up. The Coast Guard video had the volume turned so low, we could barely hear, which probably was done purpose because the entire video was mostly these vein popping Company Commander screaming so loud in the recruits faces, sometimes grabbing them by the chin, again and again, screaming so loud (even volume turned low) my husband and I sat there horrified and filled with great anxiety and fear for our son. Our youngest son, 18 wondering what the hell is he getting into?
It was a hurt like no other. The video in the Family Briefing Room was shocking as all other branches of the military, even the infamous Marines Boot Camp looked expected and reasonable. The Coast Guard was the only one that looked almost...I hate to say it...Abusive! Bullying to nth degree, something I've always stood up against. Be a Upstander not a Bystander... and here I have to clench my teeth and be a Bystander and let them torture my son. That's how I saw it.
My son stood in the Oath Room and raised his hand in the same room Michael Murphy stood in, which by the Captain mentioning it, who thought we would all feel prouder by hearing those words, actually, made it more traumatic to me... uh, Michael Murphy is no longer on this earth and sacrificed his life. So, with heavy heart and tears, our son hugged us and said, "See you in 8 weeks!"
That night my husband and I cried and felt awful. We felt sick to our stomachs. My husband even called the Recruiting Officer to complain about the video in the Family Briefing Room and how the volume was turned low and it showed nothing but the horror of CC's looking like sadistic bastards screaming the hell out of the recruits. The Recruiting Officer said he hasn't seen it and said this phone call was like 3 parents' worth of phone calls... We layed it on hard. It was horrifying to us.
We had son #2, 3 weeks later go through the same thing and guess what? No video of Boot Camp in the Family Briefing Room They had channel 10 playing. Interesting, huh?
But back to son #1. That night, I saw an article of a Marine Drill Sargeant who put a recruit in an industrial dryer! It was in the New York Times. It turns out the recruit was of Muslim heritage and the DS assumed he was a terroirist. Well, the recruit was running away from the DS and leaped to his death. This DS was obviously a sadistic bastard and took his power and abused it. Exactly what I feared!!!! I couldn't believe this article came out after I saw that video, after I let my boy go to Boot Camp.... I felt so sick...a punch in the gut sick.... I was filled with hurt, regret, guilt, everything dark and despairing....
I felt no pride. None.
On top of that, there was picture of him getting off the bus on FaceBook where the CC was yelling in the face of the guy in front of him and my son's face looked filled with fear and terror. I cried again.
What have I done? The darkness killed me... I sank so low....so low.... it was scary.
My friend, Robin whose son went through Marine Boot Camp tried to help me through. She promised me that he will get through it and I will feel pride. I said, "No. I feel so guilty. Due to our financial circumstances, I feel like we gave him no choice but to go to the military. We couldn't sign for any loans as our credit was crap...I felt so guilty. I felt like a loser, a failure. and I hurt for my boy and what he was going to endure. And I was so afraid I was going to lose my boy, my boy's heart and soul and that he'd come out a robot with no emotions...."
Robin kept trying to console me and assured me...he will be okay. I will be proud.
And then a beautiful thing happened. With tears in my eyes, at work, a mother came in with her daughter (in a Pediatric doctor's office) and she had the simplest sweetest silver anchor ring. I said, "What a nice ring! Do you have a child in the service?"
She said, "No. I just love the water." I'm not going to lie, but I kind of was disappointed because I thought if she had someone in the service, it would be like a sign or something..a sign from above.
She said, "I bought it in Cape May, NJ."
Robin and I both looked at each other. "See?" Robin said. "What are the chances that she bought it in Cape May, NJ....where your son's Boot Camp is!"
I smiled and felt assured.
Then, incredibly, the Mom came up to me and told me..."See if it fits." She handed me the ring. I said, "What?" She said again, "See if it fits."
I numbly slipped it on my left ring finger and it fit.
"It's yours. You need it more than me."
I cried. "That's the most beautiful thing anyone has ever done for me!"
I said, "Are you sure? You're not going to regret it?"
She said, "Nope. It's yours."
Robin and I both teared up.
I have not taken that Anchor Ring off yet. It's on my middle finger so you can see the Anchor as clear as day
Our first letter from him was beautiful. He was good. He was okay. He even gave advice to his brother who was going to be there too. He said letters help a lot. That's all my husband and I needed to hear. We wrote to him every day. We even boy silly Halloween stickers and sea life stickers to brighten and lighten their mood. Every letter got better and better.
Then we got the call that he was "reverted" - set back a week.... OH, God. The one thing my son told his brother, whatever you do, don't get reverted...and HE got reverted. We do not know why. He sounded awful. It was a quick stunted phone call that he got set back a week and is in a new company with a later graduation date. Bye.
Ughhhhhh. Another punch in the gut. A week longer there in hell!
(to be continued....)
It was a hurt like no other. The video in the Family Briefing Room was shocking as all other branches of the military, even the infamous Marines Boot Camp looked expected and reasonable. The Coast Guard was the only one that looked almost...I hate to say it...Abusive! Bullying to nth degree, something I've always stood up against. Be a Upstander not a Bystander... and here I have to clench my teeth and be a Bystander and let them torture my son. That's how I saw it.
My son stood in the Oath Room and raised his hand in the same room Michael Murphy stood in, which by the Captain mentioning it, who thought we would all feel prouder by hearing those words, actually, made it more traumatic to me... uh, Michael Murphy is no longer on this earth and sacrificed his life. So, with heavy heart and tears, our son hugged us and said, "See you in 8 weeks!"
That night my husband and I cried and felt awful. We felt sick to our stomachs. My husband even called the Recruiting Officer to complain about the video in the Family Briefing Room and how the volume was turned low and it showed nothing but the horror of CC's looking like sadistic bastards screaming the hell out of the recruits. The Recruiting Officer said he hasn't seen it and said this phone call was like 3 parents' worth of phone calls... We layed it on hard. It was horrifying to us.
We had son #2, 3 weeks later go through the same thing and guess what? No video of Boot Camp in the Family Briefing Room They had channel 10 playing. Interesting, huh?
But back to son #1. That night, I saw an article of a Marine Drill Sargeant who put a recruit in an industrial dryer! It was in the New York Times. It turns out the recruit was of Muslim heritage and the DS assumed he was a terroirist. Well, the recruit was running away from the DS and leaped to his death. This DS was obviously a sadistic bastard and took his power and abused it. Exactly what I feared!!!! I couldn't believe this article came out after I saw that video, after I let my boy go to Boot Camp.... I felt so sick...a punch in the gut sick.... I was filled with hurt, regret, guilt, everything dark and despairing....
I felt no pride. None.
On top of that, there was picture of him getting off the bus on FaceBook where the CC was yelling in the face of the guy in front of him and my son's face looked filled with fear and terror. I cried again.
What have I done? The darkness killed me... I sank so low....so low.... it was scary.
My friend, Robin whose son went through Marine Boot Camp tried to help me through. She promised me that he will get through it and I will feel pride. I said, "No. I feel so guilty. Due to our financial circumstances, I feel like we gave him no choice but to go to the military. We couldn't sign for any loans as our credit was crap...I felt so guilty. I felt like a loser, a failure. and I hurt for my boy and what he was going to endure. And I was so afraid I was going to lose my boy, my boy's heart and soul and that he'd come out a robot with no emotions...."
Robin kept trying to console me and assured me...he will be okay. I will be proud.
And then a beautiful thing happened. With tears in my eyes, at work, a mother came in with her daughter (in a Pediatric doctor's office) and she had the simplest sweetest silver anchor ring. I said, "What a nice ring! Do you have a child in the service?"
She said, "No. I just love the water." I'm not going to lie, but I kind of was disappointed because I thought if she had someone in the service, it would be like a sign or something..a sign from above.
She said, "I bought it in Cape May, NJ."
Robin and I both looked at each other. "See?" Robin said. "What are the chances that she bought it in Cape May, NJ....where your son's Boot Camp is!"
I smiled and felt assured.
Then, incredibly, the Mom came up to me and told me..."See if it fits." She handed me the ring. I said, "What?" She said again, "See if it fits."
I numbly slipped it on my left ring finger and it fit.
"It's yours. You need it more than me."
I cried. "That's the most beautiful thing anyone has ever done for me!"
I said, "Are you sure? You're not going to regret it?"
She said, "Nope. It's yours."
Robin and I both teared up.
I have not taken that Anchor Ring off yet. It's on my middle finger so you can see the Anchor as clear as day
Our first letter from him was beautiful. He was good. He was okay. He even gave advice to his brother who was going to be there too. He said letters help a lot. That's all my husband and I needed to hear. We wrote to him every day. We even boy silly Halloween stickers and sea life stickers to brighten and lighten their mood. Every letter got better and better.
Then we got the call that he was "reverted" - set back a week.... OH, God. The one thing my son told his brother, whatever you do, don't get reverted...and HE got reverted. We do not know why. He sounded awful. It was a quick stunted phone call that he got set back a week and is in a new company with a later graduation date. Bye.
Ughhhhhh. Another punch in the gut. A week longer there in hell!
(to be continued....)
Sunday, June 19, 2016
The Cost of Crickets? $388
The dreaded "-----" appeared on my cable box. My husband, with a defeated exhale informed me, "Our cable was turned off. We can't pay our $388 bill until next week." Sigh. It was not so much the lack of TV and internet that got us, it was more the cold realization that we do not earn enough to pay our bills. We work so hard, are educated but are in debt up to our eyeballs with jobs that never paid off. Ugh. Student Loan Debt. Salaries are not where they should be to cover the cost of living in these expensive technological times. I was paid more in the 90's! So, ouch. Ouch to our prides. Humbling.
These are indeed hard times.
Now, hold up. I know what you are thinking..."You think no T.V. and internet is hard times? Wait until you hear what my family is dealing with....." Or, other horrific tragedies, which are sadly occurring all over.
I know. It could be so much worse. We have had our health scares, that thankfully, turned out okay. Our parents are hanging in there with their health issues. Exhausting, but we are doing what we can. But let me tell you, money problems create such enormous stress that lead to new health issues.
It hurts.
Anyway, I do want to move on about crickets....
As a result of our "Radio Silence", last night my husband and I were sitting quietly in our living room and we both heard the sound of crickets. Eee. Eee. Eee. Pause. Eee. Eee. Eee. We heard a distant dog barking. The cheeps and screeches of the night birds and squirrels. We heard a muffled voice in the darkness. We both felt the same thing. We were transported to another time and place.
It reminded us both of summers upstate where my grandmother lived on a lake and Pete's grandmother lived along a river. When I was a kid visiting my grandmother's house living on a mountain with Babcock Lake as her backyard, the TV had three semi decent channels and they were always snowy and painful to watch. We gave up after multiple attempts at adjusting and jiggling the antennae and shut the friggin' TV off. So, my grandmother's large picture window was the center of focus facing the dark lake with spots of golden light from the houses dotted along its edges. Crickets, bullfrogs, and occasional voices echoed across the lake. I felt snug and cozy on my grandmother's couch wrapped in her afghan while she sat in her late husband's golden clothed rocker doing the Daily Jumble. We were in our nest enveloped in the sounds of an Upstate night. I never felt safer.
My husband recalled, back when he was kid, they didn't have any reception for the TV as they were in a trailer perched on banks of the Oswegatchie River deep in the Adirondacks woods. TV? No way were you going to get any channels there. "Cards! Board Games!" Pete remembered and said out loud. "Oh, we had such laughs playing cards and games." And he remembered all the sounds of the darkness outside the trailer, night birds, dogs, crickets, splashes of late night swimmers jumping into the dark river from the dock across the way with all the laughs and exclamations that came with it. The sounds were sweetly muffled across water and mountain air. He, too felt snug, safe and happiest with his Nana, laughing with his family while playing cards inside their lit up trailer, a golden beacon amid the deep woods darkness. He drank that in, smiling.
My husband and I sat in silence.
The quiet brought my husband and I back, I mean, we were there, to these wonderful memories with all the sounds and loving warm feelings that came with it. That was priceless.
Actually, it cost $388.
These are indeed hard times.
Now, hold up. I know what you are thinking..."You think no T.V. and internet is hard times? Wait until you hear what my family is dealing with....." Or, other horrific tragedies, which are sadly occurring all over.
I know. It could be so much worse. We have had our health scares, that thankfully, turned out okay. Our parents are hanging in there with their health issues. Exhausting, but we are doing what we can. But let me tell you, money problems create such enormous stress that lead to new health issues.

Anyway, I do want to move on about crickets....
As a result of our "Radio Silence", last night my husband and I were sitting quietly in our living room and we both heard the sound of crickets. Eee. Eee. Eee. Pause. Eee. Eee. Eee. We heard a distant dog barking. The cheeps and screeches of the night birds and squirrels. We heard a muffled voice in the darkness. We both felt the same thing. We were transported to another time and place.
It reminded us both of summers upstate where my grandmother lived on a lake and Pete's grandmother lived along a river. When I was a kid visiting my grandmother's house living on a mountain with Babcock Lake as her backyard, the TV had three semi decent channels and they were always snowy and painful to watch. We gave up after multiple attempts at adjusting and jiggling the antennae and shut the friggin' TV off. So, my grandmother's large picture window was the center of focus facing the dark lake with spots of golden light from the houses dotted along its edges. Crickets, bullfrogs, and occasional voices echoed across the lake. I felt snug and cozy on my grandmother's couch wrapped in her afghan while she sat in her late husband's golden clothed rocker doing the Daily Jumble. We were in our nest enveloped in the sounds of an Upstate night. I never felt safer.
My husband recalled, back when he was kid, they didn't have any reception for the TV as they were in a trailer perched on banks of the Oswegatchie River deep in the Adirondacks woods. TV? No way were you going to get any channels there. "Cards! Board Games!" Pete remembered and said out loud. "Oh, we had such laughs playing cards and games." And he remembered all the sounds of the darkness outside the trailer, night birds, dogs, crickets, splashes of late night swimmers jumping into the dark river from the dock across the way with all the laughs and exclamations that came with it. The sounds were sweetly muffled across water and mountain air. He, too felt snug, safe and happiest with his Nana, laughing with his family while playing cards inside their lit up trailer, a golden beacon amid the deep woods darkness. He drank that in, smiling.
My husband and I sat in silence.
The quiet brought my husband and I back, I mean, we were there, to these wonderful memories with all the sounds and loving warm feelings that came with it. That was priceless.
Actually, it cost $388.
Friday, February 19, 2016
Dutchess Kate's New Gig Meets Iron Claw Bear Trap of Heroin
Two headlines collided.
Long Island Newsday smacked us in the face with the sobering fact that Heroin overdoses surge on Long Island. Duchess Kate Middleton has a new editor job with the Huffington Post UK to bring awareness and break the stigma of seeking help for mental health issues in young people with her Young Minds Matter campaign.
Bam. I instantly saw a connection. I have ideas on this.
Mental Wellness Starts Young
In the ABC News article,
"Duchess of Cambridge Raises Mental Health Issues as Guest Editor of Huffington Post UK" By LAMA HASAN and CAROLYN DURAND Feb 17, 2016, 9:51 AM ET http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/duchess-cambridge-raises-mental-health-issues-guest-editor/story?id=36995120
“What I did not expect was to see that time and time again, the issues that led people to addiction and destructive decision making seemed to almost always stem from unresolved childhood challenges," the mum of two stressed.
Long Island Newsday smacked us in the face with the sobering fact that Heroin overdoses surge on Long Island. Duchess Kate Middleton has a new editor job with the Huffington Post UK to bring awareness and break the stigma of seeking help for mental health issues in young people with her Young Minds Matter campaign.
Bam. I instantly saw a connection. I have ideas on this.
Mental Wellness Starts Young
In the ABC News article,
"Duchess of Cambridge Raises Mental Health Issues as Guest Editor of Huffington Post UK" By LAMA HASAN and CAROLYN DURAND Feb 17, 2016, 9:51 AM ET http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/duchess-cambridge-raises-mental-health-issues-guest-editor/story?id=36995120
she touches on what I think the root cause to iron claw bear trap grip heroin has on our young people: unresolved childhood issues and poorly developed coping skills to stressors in their early life. Duchess Kate hits the nail on the head as she says below:
“What I did not expect was to see that time and time again, the issues that led people to addiction and destructive decision making seemed to almost always stem from unresolved childhood challenges," the mum of two stressed.
“And it was also clear that with mental health problems still being such a taboo, many adults are often too afraid to ask for help for children in their care,” Kate continued. “It is time for this to change.”
Breaking the stigma of mental health issues and seeking help for mental health issues is happening, but obviously, thanks to Newsday's hideous death knell too slowly. I have been involved in a Twitter campaign, #art4MentalHealth to show how The Arts in all its forms (music, paint, sketch, dance...) make wonderful tools to assist with depression, grief, stress, PTSD and so much more. This simple hashtag #art4MentalHealth lets people know that Mental Health is a part of a person's Overall Health and Wellness. It's okay to help yourself feel better and it is okay to ask for help to make yourself feel better.
Even Michaels, the crafts store is embracing the "Adult Coloring Book" as a form of relaxation practicing what is known as mindfulness. Of course, they are making money on the latest "trend" and that is okay. Adults are scooping it up. I hope teens and college students are, too! Mindfulness is when you are deeply focused on the task at hand that lets you enter an almost meditative state to quiet your mind and your thoughts. When you are coloring, sketching, painting, knitting, or creating in any form, you are practicing mindfulness. The world and all of its worries melt away.
This is good that a big giant that is truly connected to the community (they are there for every school project, every season and celebration) is embracing this easily accessible and affordable tool.
But, is it enough?
Look at Matt Davies latest cartoon in Newsday today, Feb. 19, 2016.
Is this a sick twist on Supply and Demand?
Make It Public and Accessible
I think the problem is that young people or even adults, for that matter either don't want to seek help, are afraid to seek help, or don't find it easy and accessible to seek to help. When I think of AA or NARC meetings, I think of cold metal folding chairs in the incense/moth balls infused basement of a church. Hey, I am proud of the people going to the support group sessions and the facilitator conducting the sessions, but do people have to go underground to seek help? What if we made it more public, out in the open? You don't have to skulk in the dark shadows.
What if these meetings were in a Starbucks-like set up? Comfortable and cool. What if it was within an existing store? What if Micheals, the craft store took their involvement in Wellness the extra mile and started the Crafts Café & Chat?
Classroom to Cafe
Sorry, Michaels but your classrooms need some TLC and design makeovers. Rather than the cramped unappealing narrow classrooms they have squeezed in the corner of the store, create a good sized Café where customers can make their purchase and relax and use the products to create, while they can talk to other customers or social workers, psychologists, art therapists if they want to. Or they can snuggle in a comfy chair with his or her legs tucked under contentedly scribbling or knitting. Put up paintings of nature, or photos that are pleasing to the eye. Make it hip, make it funky, but make it. Have signs up with helpful information about depression, coping with stress and that professionals are nearby if they want to talk or make an appointment. This isn't a perfect plan, but it's to start bringing the help out in the Public for the young and old right there in their community. No sign up. Just walk in.
Another great value to these gatherings is the healing balm of connectedness to other human beings. It is so important to not be alone and have a place to go and be amongst other people.
Funding: Calling All Billionaires
On another note, one of our Presidential Candidates would like to make America Great again and has repeatedly said he has billions of dollars. Wouldn't it be great if he would donate to Michaels to make this happen? America is not feeling so great right now...
The Mental Health Cafe
I would also love to see the MH Café, Mental Health Café pop up everywhere and be like an open studio for healing and sipping lattes. There's another good GoFundMe proposition. I see stat clinics, such as CityMD popping up across Long Island. Wouldn't it be awesome to see CafeMH's?
With heroin, being so nefarious in its relentless grip on the American people (it is EVERYWHERE), you would need In-Residence treatment to detox safely under good medical care. I know there are waiting lists for these... Can the Kardashian Family that has people in their own inner circle suffering physically and mentally put some of their fortunes into creating clinics across the country? We don't need any more iPhone Game Apps. America is suffering and this is where they can really make a difference. I'm all for succeeding in Capitalism, but when you have more than you could ever need, here is something to invest in that can be near and dear to a lot of people's hearts.
Breaking it down.
1. Break the stigma -All Lives Matter, Duchess Kate, The Obamas, Twitter Campaigns
2. Accessibility - Bring it out in the Public's Eye vs. not hidden in a basement.
3. Funding/ through a Corporation like Micheals and people that have more money than they need.
4. Create an MHCafe
5. Start the Conversation - Parents to their kids, family members young and old, and articles like this one.
I have ideas and that is all I can personally offer at this time. I toss the ball out there. Who is going to catch it and run with it?
by Susan Day-Holsinger, MS
I am an amateur artist, an advocate for #Art4MentalHealth and for Health and Wellness, earned a Masters Degree in School Counseling
I am an amateur artist, an advocate for #Art4MentalHealth and for Health and Wellness, earned a Masters Degree in School Counseling
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Freedom Comes With a Price…Our Respectability Racing to The White House
We've had messy, snarky and mud slinging campaigns before but this is different.
This is unfiltered off the charts nasty verbal spewing that hurts Americans and this tactic is winning.
I want to get mad, scream and yell, “Have you all gone mad? Why are you listening to the ravings of a crazy bully that says whatever pops into his head?”
Iwo Jima and 9/11 - Two powerful images to remind ourselves that this is no reality show.
This is unfiltered off the charts nasty verbal spewing that hurts Americans and this tactic is winning.
I want to get mad, scream and yell, “Have you all gone mad? Why are you listening to the ravings of a crazy bully that says whatever pops into his head?”
Well, this is America. We have Freedom of Speech, which unfortunately means freedom to insult, bully and say whatever the hell you want to say, unless you say something that Donald Trump deems unfair or unbecoming to him. He will boycott you or have you thrown out. Freedom of Speech is a one way right in The Donald’s world. But people seem okay with that.
Why is he running? Why are people listening? This is America where dreams are made of... anyone can grow up and dream that one day, he or she can become President of the United States of America. This is a good thing. We don't have to have a blood line to rule the land. This is one of he main tenants of America's foundation, to have an elected leadership to get away from a tyrannical monarchy.
It comes with a price. In America anyone, as long as they are a born U.S. Citizen, can run
for President. You better cough up that
birth certificate, though. We have former body builders, action heroes and actors as
political leaders and governmental officials because they can. Now, we have a Business Mogul, most famously known for his Trump
Towers on the Vegas Strip running and leading in the polls for President of the
United States. Good God. This is real and it is frightening.
When will the people of the United States wake up and
realize that Donald Trump is an entertaining,
calculating, wealthy marketing genius filming himself with all the right props (lately
it’s The Holy Bible to appeal to the Evangelicals) that makes great T.V., but would make a God
Awful President. He would not make for a
leader of our country with having to follow protocol and due process working with the Congress and the Senate. That
would probably frustrate the hell out of him.
Whoo Boy, if they didn’t like
Obama when he invoked his Executive Powers, wait until Donald Trump is in the
White House. He is going to have to be
reminded that he isn’t a King, and it isn’t an episode of The Apprentice where
he can fire anyone, well, he can, but he can’t fire other countries’ leaders if
they seem unfair to him or speak to him in a manner that he didn’t like. He is used to running his business empire not
an entire country with our system of government. Iwo Jima and 9/11 - Two powerful images to remind ourselves that this is no reality show.
I don’t think the American people who are wooed by his
“differentness” really grasp the gravity of what it means to have him running
one of the most powerful countries in the world. Funny, Britain and Ireland
sure do. They were voting to have him
banned from their countries as they understand very well how inappropriate and
vile his words and actions mean in the world theater. They understand and do not like it at all. Do Americans get that to be President, you
have to be dignified, diplomatic, moral, unbiased, non-racist, and gracious? You will be Commander In Chief in charge of all our
military and make tough decisions that affect the lives of our soldiers and
their families and face the repercussions that will affect all Americans. It will require him to THINK before he speaks
and acts. There will be no back
pedaling. "I love women. I love Muslims. etc.."
I understand how Americans crave something different and how
they are entranced and entertained by Trump’s antics. He almost gives them permission to be little
bullies on the ball field, to embrace their inner racism and fears of things
and cultures they do not fully understand.
He allows that freedom, the freedom to be mean. He unleashes the beast, the very worst in
Americans. I hate to even say this, but it
reminds me of the days when Germans were enraptured by Hitler’s charismatic
speeches and we all know how that turned out.
The current frontrunner is a kitschy outlandish brand and
stations like CNN are promoting IT tirelessly. CNN, stop it. Please, just stop. I haven’t seen one John Kaisch rally on CNN
and the New York Times just endorsed John Kaisch. Will we see him now? Most people barely know his name. If candidates, such as John Kaisch, would be
followed around as much as Trump, he might actually have a shot at the
presidency. But he isn’t saying anything
outrageous to get TV air time. He isn’t
boycotting any event because someone will not treat him fairly. He isn’t tweeting insults or comments to gain
extra attention. Oh my God. He is acting
normal, presidential even. Snooze.
Boring…. Sorry, Americans. John Kaisch isn’t newsworthy next to the other
guy. I hate even saying his name,
because then I feel, I am playing into his hands and am therefore, promoting
him, too!
Our American values have bit us in the butt; our land of the
free and home of the brave has allowed for a grotesque circus for the highest
seat in the land. Hey, America. This
isn’t the show “Naked and Afraid,” though that is exactly how this election is
making me feel.
Well, I can only hope that in the end, somehow someway, the
system will work and the best candidate will win. (If not, we may need to re-think this who
gets to run for president thing.)
God Bless America.
(Can I say that? Is that politically correct to say these
days? Hey, I have Freedom of Speech. So,… yes. I can.)
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Nighttime Sketches...need to add Paint!
I leafed through The New York Times Sunday Styles section of an old edition looking for inspiration to sketch and I found this. It grabbed me, pulled me in. Her laying down, intensely staring at the camera got me.
I sketched. It needs color to make it even more dynamic and more me. I love color, but it is the hardest part once the sketch is done to apply paint. Will I ruin it? One wrong stroke and it's over!
Here is another The New York Times Ad inspiration, which I like to call "The Comfy Sweater," which when the world has gone mad, we all need to climb in the soft tent of a big sweater to escape for a while for comfort.
I sketched. It needs color to make it even more dynamic and more me. I love color, but it is the hardest part once the sketch is done to apply paint. Will I ruin it? One wrong stroke and it's over!
Here is another The New York Times Ad inspiration, which I like to call "The Comfy Sweater," which when the world has gone mad, we all need to climb in the soft tent of a big sweater to escape for a while for comfort.
I practiced the art of Mindfulness while sketching both of these to give one part of my brain a rest while the other part was completely immersed at the task at hand.
I love taking a blank white space and filling it with something, anything...That is art, such as an empty stage, unfilled seats in the theater suddenly becomes a cacophony of sound, movement, an interplay between actor and audience. Magic. My work doesn't have to be brilliant- Art of The Old Masters- fantastic; it just has to be intriguing, pleasing to the eye and wondrous to the mind.
Saturday, January 9, 2016
The Adventures of Bass Man
Working on a book with my husband. It's the "Off Season" and fisherman get itchy! They watch YouTube videos, Facebook videos and some like to crack open a book to read when they can't fish. Pete wakes up at the crack of dawn all season long and smiles just as big if he catches a tiny fish, a squid, sea robin, blue or the coveted keeper striped bass. It's as it's the first time every time and the selfies are the same...the crazy eyed look and huge smile; it's pure happiness. His love of fishing is infectious and I get it. And, I know it is more than fishing to him..it's the sea, salt, sunrise, sunset, and time to let off stress and talk to his father and Pop. When he catches, he points upward in thanks as if he was divinely assisted in the catch. He wishes on shooting stars, rarely for himself, usually for me, which is the definitely the sweetest thing a husband can do.
So, I'm inspired by this fun pic he took and tweaked with an painter app. It struck me that he looks like a super hero. He is my super hero.
Let's see where this book takes us.
Fish on!
So, I'm inspired by this fun pic he took and tweaked with an painter app. It struck me that he looks like a super hero. He is my super hero.
Let's see where this book takes us.
Fish on!
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