A river is like a living breathing thing. It moves, it roars, it stills and quiets like the thoughts in our mind. This is an image of the Oswegatchie River in the Adirondacks in the early morning when it hasn't quite wakened. The frothy swirls have gathered overnight to make this beautiful mosaic. 

It reminds me of thoughts and activities that occurred during the day and the mind quiets and let's the thoughts gather and twist and turn slowly and naturally clumping nestling together, giving the mind a rest.
Then the sun shines a little stronger, warmer and the quiet of the morning is broken with the first birds' songs and the whistling breeze racing through the pines like kids racing to the playground to start the day. The river moves and the swirls untangle and start their downward trek stretching and disappearing with the bobbing ripples riding the current. The day has begun and so has the busy bustling mind.
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