This was the result of my Friday Night... I had sketched the face out of nowhere another evening, just started to let my pencil go and see where it took me. It became a face. I sketched and sketched, added a little colored pencil and out she came. Art is a funny thing. You have a blank page and then it becomes "something" ...out of nothing. Who is she? Why did this face come out? Why the serious expression? Why the gaze? Why is her hair pulled back? I really can't say... but here it is.
Then Friday night, I was alone, restless...and was drawn to my acrylics. It usually is a pretty big rig-a-ma-roll to set up "shop" to paint, thus I haven't applied paint to much lately. But, I felt like using my easel and picking up a brush. Usually, I'm terrified to add paint to a sketch because I could lose everything I drew once paint is added. It is terrifying. But for some reason, maybe because I didn't love love love the sketch, I figured I'd just add paint and whatever happens, happens. What the heck. I squirted out my blops of colors on my palette and started dabbing. I felt like a sculptor molding and molding until she became Big Eyes (This is what I call her, for obvious reasons.) I know I could have done better...eyes too big, nose too long, forehead to short, and neglected under her chin....but you know what? I wasn't going for perfection....well, I tried to, but I knew it just wasn't in me. I was going for what looked pleasing to me. I really focused in on her eyes. I really wanted sparkling interesting green eyes. Green eyes are like jewels, and I think are so beautiful. I wanted her to have full lips, not smiling, but not sad either...thoughtful, as if she is about to say something. I always love a story...the mystery of what is the story? What is she trying to say? Why are there wisps of hair pulled away from her tight pony tail? What is she thinking?
I like color. The background - I wanted to be dark and dreamy, but with color. Color, I guess is my signature. Color makes me happy. Creating something out of nothing makes me happy. It is like I birthed an art baby. All of my art are like children to me. I created them and they make me feel good when I look at them. A little tinge of pride runs through me.
Well, what do you think Big Eyes is telling you?
It is telling me that I have a lot on my mind and if you look deep enough in the eyes, the thoughts are all there.....
Capturing the Seemingly Simple moments of life and the big events that clobber us over the heads We let it out here through Writing, Art, Music & Humor... Susan
Feeling Powerful

Watercolor Fashion Moment
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Saturday, October 24, 2015
I Just Can't Ignore This...Bullying in Politics
"(CNN)Determined and aggressive questioning by Benghazi Select Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, a highly experienced former South Carolina prosecutor..."
"... the committee came armed to the teeth with the kind of material prosecutors love to use in forceful cross-examinations of hostile witnesses."
Why did the US Government allow ELEVEN HOURS of Bullying? (Yes. Let's call it what it was. Bullying.) It truly was despicable. Read the two quotes above again by Paul Callan in his CNN article, "GOP Grilling of Hillary Clinton Misfired." I really do not like to get into the foray of politics, but I found this so disgusting, that I had to post something.
See something. Say something. I could not be a bystander and not comment on the ridiculousness of an abuse of power. Why was this allowed??? Why?
I have not been a huge fan of Hillary Clinton of late. I loved her in early days and thought, that she is such a smart, strong lady.
But lately, I wondered why the heck would she even go for being President. She had to know that she would be attacked in every which way. She almost seemed a bit arrogant and above the fray, but you know what? She has reason to feel that way.
She endured the Political Nonsense. She remained composed. She answered and answered until the "Eleventh Hour." Wow. I, now, have new respect for her. What strength she possesses.
What if Donald Trump had to go through that? "He was mean. He was unfair. The Chairperson is a loser. I mean, look at that face. He is bleeding from his eyes or from wherever...I'm boycotting Congress." He commented on how he was remarkably able to stand in a debate for 4 hours. He would not survive 11 hours of grilling. No way. I hate to even post his picture here, but I have to.
Hillary, I am so sorry you were bullied. You did prove to America that you are one intelligent well-spoken woman who can stand up to ridiculous political power plays. Bravo!
I do believe this is one of those events, Benghazi, one of many- that is truly tragic where tears have been spilled, sleep has been lost and lessons have been learned. The US is spread too thin in too many dangerous "waters." Move forward and acknowledge mistakes made. Move forward and onward.
You did it, Hillary. Props to you!
"... the committee came armed to the teeth with the kind of material prosecutors love to use in forceful cross-examinations of hostile witnesses."
Why did the US Government allow ELEVEN HOURS of Bullying? (Yes. Let's call it what it was. Bullying.) It truly was despicable. Read the two quotes above again by Paul Callan in his CNN article, "GOP Grilling of Hillary Clinton Misfired." I really do not like to get into the foray of politics, but I found this so disgusting, that I had to post something.
See something. Say something. I could not be a bystander and not comment on the ridiculousness of an abuse of power. Why was this allowed??? Why?
I have not been a huge fan of Hillary Clinton of late. I loved her in early days and thought, that she is such a smart, strong lady.
But lately, I wondered why the heck would she even go for being President. She had to know that she would be attacked in every which way. She almost seemed a bit arrogant and above the fray, but you know what? She has reason to feel that way.
She endured the Political Nonsense. She remained composed. She answered and answered until the "Eleventh Hour." Wow. I, now, have new respect for her. What strength she possesses.
What if Donald Trump had to go through that? "He was mean. He was unfair. The Chairperson is a loser. I mean, look at that face. He is bleeding from his eyes or from wherever...I'm boycotting Congress." He commented on how he was remarkably able to stand in a debate for 4 hours. He would not survive 11 hours of grilling. No way. I hate to even post his picture here, but I have to.
Hillary, I am so sorry you were bullied. You did prove to America that you are one intelligent well-spoken woman who can stand up to ridiculous political power plays. Bravo!
I do believe this is one of those events, Benghazi, one of many- that is truly tragic where tears have been spilled, sleep has been lost and lessons have been learned. The US is spread too thin in too many dangerous "waters." Move forward and acknowledge mistakes made. Move forward and onward.
You did it, Hillary. Props to you!
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Pope Francis & The Golden Rule
The Pope glowed as he addressed the mesmerized Congress; he simply glowed with light and enlightened messages to share to the bedraggled hardened Congress.
They listened.
My favorite section throughout his speech was so simple, so pure and on point as a 'bring us back to the basics" message.
Here is the text I am referring to:
"Let us remember the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (Mt 7:12).
This Rule points us in a clear direction. Let us treat others with the same passion and compassion with which we want to be treated. Let us seek for others the same possibilities which we seek for ourselves. Let us help others to grow, as we would like to be helped ourselves. In a word, if we want security, let us give security; if we want life, let us give life; if we want opportunities, let us provide opportunities. The yardstick we use for others will be the yardstick which time will use for us."
Pope Francis ends each meeting, encounter with..."Pray for me."
God Bless YOU, Pope Francis!
They listened.
My favorite section throughout his speech was so simple, so pure and on point as a 'bring us back to the basics" message.
Here is the text I am referring to:
"Let us remember the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (Mt 7:12).
This Rule points us in a clear direction. Let us treat others with the same passion and compassion with which we want to be treated. Let us seek for others the same possibilities which we seek for ourselves. Let us help others to grow, as we would like to be helped ourselves. In a word, if we want security, let us give security; if we want life, let us give life; if we want opportunities, let us provide opportunities. The yardstick we use for others will be the yardstick which time will use for us."
Pope Francis ends each meeting, encounter with..."Pray for me."
God Bless YOU, Pope Francis!
Monday, September 7, 2015
The Elegant Praying Mantis & Meryl Streep -Wait, What?!
My husband and I came back from the movies (The Man From U.N.C.L.E. - so fun! ((next post)) ) and we encountered this Praying Mantis on the railing of our porch right by our door. I LOVE seeing a Praying Mantis...I wrote an article on its Super Hero powers...toothy front legs that hold insects like vice grips, super sharp vision, incredible stealth and camouflage, and coolest of all, a head that rotates and pivots like no other insect can! As we approached it, it slowly turned his head and eyed us with its heart shaped head and huge eyeballs! There is nothing creepier than an insect staring at you. Staring at YOU!!!! Yeesh.
The other thing, that isn't so elegant about it, well, it's actually quite gruesome is that when it is finished mating, the female will turn its head and kill its mate by eating its head! Powerful female indeed. "Thank you. That will be all." CHOMP!
My article was titled "The Elegant, Graceful,- Ferocious Hunter!" Remembering my article and seeing this cool creature reminded me of...well, strong women. How strong women are viewed...or rather, not viewed as they should. Why is there hesitation on women being president, or women going to war, or women as fire fighters, fighter pilots, or anything for that matter? When I was young, I was always fighting with my father about Equal Rights. I would shout, "Equal Rights! Equal Rights!" I was a bit of a Tom Boy and wanted to wrestle with my father like he did with my brother, or have a football catch, or a baseball catch... He would say, girls shouldn't want to do those things. I did, though. I still love to throw a sweet spiral with the football. I just do. All humans, male and/or female have talents and strengths. Not all males are strong, or athletic or make great leaders. Not all females can dance, type or cook. We all are different in what we can or can't do. All humans should be respected for their capabilities and competencies and be compensated accordingly.
This brings me to seeing Meryl Streep in the news today.
Meryl Streep wrote a letter to every single Congressperson to resurrect the ERA. Equal Rights Amendment. She pleaded with them to do this for their mothers, their sisters, their daughters and so on.... Sadly, she didn't get far. She is even pleading with the Pope to address the inequality issue with women. It is a Global Cultural issue and I'm not going to lie, in other countries it is steeped so deep in their cultural bones to squash women down to dirt, that change toward women will be almost impossible elsewhere. But, I should never ever say impossible. Women are much like the Praying Mantis. We are stealthy, elegant and can fight back for what we deserve.
The other thing, that isn't so elegant about it, well, it's actually quite gruesome is that when it is finished mating, the female will turn its head and kill its mate by eating its head! Powerful female indeed. "Thank you. That will be all." CHOMP!
My article was titled "The Elegant, Graceful,- Ferocious Hunter!" Remembering my article and seeing this cool creature reminded me of...well, strong women. How strong women are viewed...or rather, not viewed as they should. Why is there hesitation on women being president, or women going to war, or women as fire fighters, fighter pilots, or anything for that matter? When I was young, I was always fighting with my father about Equal Rights. I would shout, "Equal Rights! Equal Rights!" I was a bit of a Tom Boy and wanted to wrestle with my father like he did with my brother, or have a football catch, or a baseball catch... He would say, girls shouldn't want to do those things. I did, though. I still love to throw a sweet spiral with the football. I just do. All humans, male and/or female have talents and strengths. Not all males are strong, or athletic or make great leaders. Not all females can dance, type or cook. We all are different in what we can or can't do. All humans should be respected for their capabilities and competencies and be compensated accordingly.
This brings me to seeing Meryl Streep in the news today.

I'll never forget a brave Middle Eastern woman who was on a news program -might have been CNN- taking a very nervous journalist for a car ride, remarkably. She showed the journalist how she proudly and boldly drives around her city when women aren't allowed to drive. Her bravery was incredible. She was going to drive come hell or high water! So, she made the impossible possible.
Funny that I saw the Praying Mantis just the other night; they are such a rare treat to see. I am in awe of them. They are remarkable creatures. It was there to remind me something. Maybe it made me think of that non-fiction article I wrote about the Praying Mantis. Perhaps, it was a reminder to me to keep writing. Maybe it was to tell me to be strong, be myself and boldly go where I want to go in life. We are all exquisite unique creatures and one of a kind. Be proud and expect the best from life.
Meryl Streep, you are exquisite in all that you do and I applaud you for reminding Congress that we are still here, still underrated, under paid, and under represented. You are beautiful and strong. Thank you.
Monday, July 6, 2015
Summer Healing with Summer Flowers!
There is nothing more beautiful than seeing the splashes of color of Summer Flowers. Take the Tiger Lily that is the sure sign that summer has arrived. Burnt orange with streaks of gold rise and shine to greet you in the lazy hazy days of summer. Upon seeing them, you want to slow down, sip your coffee a little slower, pause and reflect because it's, well - Summer!
This happy flower is the Black Eyed Susan. These can be bright yellow or more on the golden yellow marigold shade but whichever you come across, it instantly makes your heart shine. This has always been one of my favorite summer flowers. When up in the Adirondacks, Black Eyed Susans and Tiger Lilies line the forested roads growing wild and free. You breathe a little easier, you inhale deeply and you know it is time to kick back and relax.
Bam! Cherry Bomb! This is a gorgeous red Gerbia Daisy and when these keep blooming again and again, it makes my soul happy! This is my all time favorite flower. It is an annual and difficult to keep alive, but if you do, it will keep producing new shoots and blooms all summer long! And, wow! It is a gorgeous flower that simply makes you just smile.
That's my flower therapy for today. Enjoy!
This happy flower is the Black Eyed Susan. These can be bright yellow or more on the golden yellow marigold shade but whichever you come across, it instantly makes your heart shine. This has always been one of my favorite summer flowers. When up in the Adirondacks, Black Eyed Susans and Tiger Lilies line the forested roads growing wild and free. You breathe a little easier, you inhale deeply and you know it is time to kick back and relax.
Bam! Cherry Bomb! This is a gorgeous red Gerbia Daisy and when these keep blooming again and again, it makes my soul happy! This is my all time favorite flower. It is an annual and difficult to keep alive, but if you do, it will keep producing new shoots and blooms all summer long! And, wow! It is a gorgeous flower that simply makes you just smile.
That's my flower therapy for today. Enjoy!
Thursday, May 14, 2015
The Fox Strut
Okay, so my title was influenced by #DWTS (Dancing With The Stars) since I was completely enraptured by the final four pairs who danced their guts out for the semi-finals! They had heart, sweat, strength, tears, drama, grace, and beauty and danced with such electrifying intensity that I couldn't tear myself away from watching. Rumer, Riker, Noah and Nastia along with their amazing partners Val, Allison, Sharna and Derek.
I never got so drawn in before and I think it is because each of the contestants have such heart and inner strength that have only blossomed from their sweat, tears and the experience of "The Dance." I do believe the art of dancing and conquering difficult movements in Dance equates to the art of living out daily life experiences and conquering challenges we face every day. With each movement, sliding, gliding, jumping, spinning, tapping, kicking ,sweeping and swirling to music there is a release, growth, empowerment, accomplishment, and a truly holistically cathartic moment.
And somehow, I corroborate this same feeling when I saw this picture of a Fox strutting across the parking lot of a South Shore Ocean Beach at Sunrise. His posture lets you know that this is his world, his beach, his turf.

So, like the competitors in Dancing With The Stars, and like the limping Fox at Sunrise, so too shall I conquer this day with beauty, grace and steel.
Peace! SDH
Monday, March 9, 2015
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
John Newman, Another Hot Artist to Enjoy!
"Love Me Again" ....John Newman....
This song haunts me. It has an edgy battle cry that pleads with its listener. You feel its heartache.
"I need to know now, know now. Can you love me again?"
He has such a cool voice and the rhythm is infectious.
Ed Sheeran's Talent Blows My Mind!
I caught Ed Sheeran on VH1's Storytellers and let me tell you, he is a true artist! His vocals are gritty and sweet, his music tempos are like a roaring rapids river that is wild and fun to calm and symphonic...he has a rapping flow to gorgeous ballads.
He creates his own loops to become a one man band using a device on the floor and pedals it throughout the performance re-using a hum, or guitar riff, or chorus. Wow! And his personality is humble, engaging, humorous, sweet and honest.
This clip is another gem with conversations with Pharrel, and close-up comments from Ed and his incredible music.
Enjoy this musical talent that is....Ed Sheeran.
Did I mention that he can dance, too? Check out this mesmerizing video of him dancing to his song, "Thinking Out Loud." How can you not fall in love with this guy?
I caught Ed Sheeran on VH1's Storytellers and let me tell you, he is a true artist! His vocals are gritty and sweet, his music tempos are like a roaring rapids river that is wild and fun to calm and symphonic...he has a rapping flow to gorgeous ballads.
He creates his own loops to become a one man band using a device on the floor and pedals it throughout the performance re-using a hum, or guitar riff, or chorus. Wow! And his personality is humble, engaging, humorous, sweet and honest.
This clip is another gem with conversations with Pharrel, and close-up comments from Ed and his incredible music.
Enjoy this musical talent that is....Ed Sheeran.
Did I mention that he can dance, too? Check out this mesmerizing video of him dancing to his song, "Thinking Out Loud." How can you not fall in love with this guy?
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Hozier - Take Me To Church on talented/intelligent Irishman!
I was playing "Blame" by Calvin Harris on YouTube when my son told me to type in Take Me To Church by Hozier. Holy Crap. I loved it. I was surprised that it was a song about homophobia and the harsh brutality and cruelty against two gay men. It was so disturbing to me that I had to turn off the video (a gang attacks the men like a witchhunt.) I can't handle bullying violence of any kind even if it is based on truth. I just can't stomach cruelty, so therefore, I am sharing Hozier's live performance on SNL where the lyrics speak for themselves with his beautiful voice.
(Photo via
As much as the song decries institutional right wingers violent support of anti LGBT, such as the Catholic Church and Putin's Russia, it is also a song about beautiful love. It prompted me to learn more about Hozier; it moved me that much. He is an Irish born singer/musician who started a college career at Trinity College in Dublin, was in an orchestra and sang with Anuna, a group that sings Medieval Celtic Music that sounds like angels singing from the rafters of ancient cathedrals. He writes from the heart and can't ignore the wrongs against humanity in the world around him, thus the song, Take Me To Church.
Kudos for SNL always on the cutting edge of bringing cool music to its show.
I was playing "Blame" by Calvin Harris on YouTube when my son told me to type in Take Me To Church by Hozier. Holy Crap. I loved it. I was surprised that it was a song about homophobia and the harsh brutality and cruelty against two gay men. It was so disturbing to me that I had to turn off the video (a gang attacks the men like a witchhunt.) I can't handle bullying violence of any kind even if it is based on truth. I just can't stomach cruelty, so therefore, I am sharing Hozier's live performance on SNL where the lyrics speak for themselves with his beautiful voice.
As much as the song decries institutional right wingers violent support of anti LGBT, such as the Catholic Church and Putin's Russia, it is also a song about beautiful love. It prompted me to learn more about Hozier; it moved me that much. He is an Irish born singer/musician who started a college career at Trinity College in Dublin, was in an orchestra and sang with Anuna, a group that sings Medieval Celtic Music that sounds like angels singing from the rafters of ancient cathedrals. He writes from the heart and can't ignore the wrongs against humanity in the world around him, thus the song, Take Me To Church.
Kudos for SNL always on the cutting edge of bringing cool music to its show.
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Reminded of the Beautiful Doors of Dublin
The doors of Dublin are colorful architectural beauties smacking of whimsy and are in the heart of Ireland, as Bono referred to once in concert, "Bubblin' Dublin."
What made me think of this? The door is a symbol of beginnings and endings. I had painted a red Dublin Door as a card for a wonderful co-worker that was retiring from many years of good service as a school nurse. I knew it was bittersweet for her and wanted the door to remind her that she was opening a new door to a new life full of joy and fresh beginnings.
I googled "door" for a model to paint and discovered the beauty of the infamous Dublin Doors.(These perky Georgian doors became an economic stimulus for Dublin as prints of the infamous doors became in high demand and therefore, so was the demand to see them in person.) The color and the decorative archways along with the brickwork above and around the doors were eye popping gorgeous! So, here I am again admiring the beauty and mindful of its symbolism that is The Doors of Dublin.
2015 is the year for change. It is time to be bold and be brave and pick your door to walk through. Let it be a fanciful one, one with ornate architecture and shiny brass handles. May it be unique, one of a kind to match your personality and style. Like the Dubliners of old, I am choosing my path, my "Dublin Door," a bright one and walking on through.
Enjoy the Doors of Dublin!
Read About The Colorful Story of The Dublin Doors here
Photo: Doors of Dublin | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
What made me think of this? The door is a symbol of beginnings and endings. I had painted a red Dublin Door as a card for a wonderful co-worker that was retiring from many years of good service as a school nurse. I knew it was bittersweet for her and wanted the door to remind her that she was opening a new door to a new life full of joy and fresh beginnings.
I googled "door" for a model to paint and discovered the beauty of the infamous Dublin Doors.(These perky Georgian doors became an economic stimulus for Dublin as prints of the infamous doors became in high demand and therefore, so was the demand to see them in person.) The color and the decorative archways along with the brickwork above and around the doors were eye popping gorgeous! So, here I am again admiring the beauty and mindful of its symbolism that is The Doors of Dublin.
2015 is the year for change. It is time to be bold and be brave and pick your door to walk through. Let it be a fanciful one, one with ornate architecture and shiny brass handles. May it be unique, one of a kind to match your personality and style. Like the Dubliners of old, I am choosing my path, my "Dublin Door," a bright one and walking on through.
Enjoy the Doors of Dublin!
Read About The Colorful Story of The Dublin Doors here
Photo: Doors of Dublin | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
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